DRILL: 1 Handed Partner Passes

1-Handed Partner Passes 

Setup: Pair up all the players and make sure each group has at least two balls (one backup) set up cones if needed so they know where to stand

Directions: In order to develop wrist strength, pass with a partner with one hand. Use what would be your top hand, so if you’re right handed, use your right hand, and if you’re left handed, use your left hand. Focus on good form! Ask for the ball slightly out in front of you and give with the ball as you receive it back behind your ear. When throwing it make sure you have your elbow up and away from your rib cage and you flick your wrist towards your partner. 

If the girls are having trouble, they can choke their top hand up. The closer their top hand is to the head of the stick, the easier one handed passing and catching is!