USA Motion - Attack Play

Attack Play Banners.png

Video Below

Set up for 7v7:

  • 3 Players Low - working around the crease

  • 4 Players High - in a diamond shape

Set up for 6v6:

  • 2 Players Low - working around the crease

  • 4 Players High - in a diamond shape

Skills to Use:

  1. Drive

  2. Pick

  3. Cut

  4. Replace

  5. Pass


  1. The 4 players in the diamond are always replacing each other. There should not be more than one attacker in 1 position.

  2. The players should use one of the 5 skills listed above.

  3. The low players should keep moving, stay involved in the play, look for the feed in and move their defenders.

Coaching Points:

  • Let them learn through playing

  • Incorporate “Mini Plays” within the motion to highlight the best assets of your attack

  • Teach the 5 skills and remind them how simple it is

  • Keep the high players high and the low players low if you have to!

  • Teach the players how to “move their defender”

  • Assign player guidelines within the motion if necessary

  • Use this motion as a hard press to goal or use it as a time to let your attack catch their breath - it’s up to you! This motion has what it takes to be either.