February, March, April and May! - Pop Up Trainings


Catch up on previous Pop Ups & 'Pop’ into the upcoming live ones in Circle Up!


Pop Up Trainings


We've launched a new concept to help battle our busy in-season schedules: Pop Up Trainings

These trainings will be “last minute” trainings in Circle Up that are anywhere from 10-30 minutes long. They are hyper focused on one topic & will be sure to inject you with high-level knowledge!

We've already hosted 2 & they were a huge success!


When are they?

We'll give a few days notice to our Pop Up trainings.

Who teaches them

Members of our community! We're starting to turn WLD into an ecosystem of learning.

If you have something to share, please let me know!

What are the topics?

So far we've taught: 8M Strategy, Subbing Strategy

In the immediate pipeline we have: Woman Up Play, Hybrid Ride Tutorial

And there are an endless amount of topics we'll keep pumping out regularly (way more than once a month!).

See you there!!

Kara Sanford