DRILL: 50/50 Build Up

Build awareness and ground ball skills.

Description of Drill:  Team is split evenly into 2 groups. Balls are placed on the four corners of the space (adjust to suit conditioning needs). A player from each team will set up at each cone. Designate which group will start, then each pair will come in from their spot.

  • A player or coach will roll out/throw a 50/50 ball into the playing space, only those two players are allowed to play the ground ball. Whichever player gains possession first becomes the “attacker” or “attacking team”. Should defense come up with the ball after initial possession they must transition above the restraining line. That pair will STAY IN.

  • As soon as the ball is played out, a player/coach will roll out/throw out a 50/50 ball into the playing space for the next pair, only those two players are allowed to play the ball.  Whichever player gains possession first becomes the “attacking team”. Should defense come up with a stop they must get the ball above the restraining line (run or pass to the waiting player/coach). That pair will then also STAY IN.

  • The next groups will build up in the same fashion creating a 3v3 and 4v4 scenario (you can always continue to add to or build up to whatever number you want).

  • Once we have the desired number of players in the drill add extra balls to play out a full 4v4 for another 3 balls/rounds. These extra balls are 50/50 balls they can work as a group to collect and play out the scenario.

Equipment Needed: 6-14 players, balls, goal, large space

Skills Emphasized:  50/50 ground balls, awareness, quick decision making, off ball movement, communication, re-defending.

Coaching Points of Emphasis:  “Ball first” mentality off the initial GB, to attack the goal initially.  Quick reaction to the 50/50 ball to go attack or defense, this drill also allows our D to have some fun as well and become attackers at times. The fast pace then settled scenarios for the players to think critically about the play in front of them. Typically if the ball goes out of bounds, we will just start the next ball in to keep the speed of play up.

Diagram of Drill: