DRILL: Lacrosse Musical Chairs


Musical Chairs Individual Version

Setup: Bag of balls, draw circle or circle of cones

Directions: Put a bunch of balls out in the middle of a circle, with a few less balls than there are kids. Line the kids up around the outside of the circle and start the music. When the music stops players need to scoop up a ball and get out of the circle with the ball. Players without a ball are eliminated, keep playing until one player remains


Musical Chairs Team Version

Setup: Bag of balls, cones if making your own boundaries

Directions: Divide players into two equal teams, and have one team on each restraining line. Spread out balls in between the restraining line, make sure you have at least one less ball out there than girls. The girls can jog, skip, run, (your call!) from sideline to sideline while the music is playing. When the music stops the girls need to retrieve a ball from the middle and get back to their restraining line. Anyone without a ball is out. Keep playing until one player remains.