DRILL: Obstacle Course

Obstacle Course

Setup: Bag of balls, all of your cones, ladder (if you have one) extra sticks, extra reversibles

Directions: set up a perimeter for your obstacle course. Once you have the perimeter you need to fill the inside with obstacles! Little kids love thinking of these as sharks or bugs or something they’d want to avoid anyway, get creative! Cones, sticks on the ground etc.. all work as obstacles. The girls need to make it from one side to the other cradling the ball. You can have them run through a few times, first walking then jog then run. 

Some Ideas Include:

  • Hop Scotch while cradling

  • Run through a landmine of cones without touching any

  • Jump over sticks

  • Weave in and out of obstacles

  • Balance on something

  • Jump over things