DRILL: Pinney Tag

Pinney Tag 

Directions: Set up a perimeter and give every girl a pinney or flag or cone that they can tuck into their waistband. Ideally a reversible jersey will be used! All the players get set up within the perimeter and when the whistle blows it is everyone for themselves! They are trying to pull out the reversible jersey of the other players. Normally in the beginning girls will form alliances but their can only be one winner in the end! Make sure they are staying within the perimeter. 

If you want to make it harder, whenever someone gets out they line up somewhere outside the perimeter and can try to pull the pinney of someone that gets too close to the perimeter.

There are so many fun ways to adapt and change this game:

  • Add 2 pinnies per player

  • Add a rule where they can be “saved” by a teammate if a teammate gives them one pinney.