Kerstin Kimel - Deemer Class - Kristyna Bertolone
our trainers
This is going to be epic!
what to expect
This summer, we will complete a full concept: Offense from A -to- Z. We will start with Shooting & end with creating a group Play Book (and learn everything in-between!).
We're lucky enough to bring in Duke Head Coach Kerstin Kimel, owner of First Class Lacrosse Deemer Class, & our very own Kristyna Bertolone of the Game Changers!
☀️ ☀️ ☀️
now for the good part…
the details
Welcome Party & Kristyna's Back to Basics Training
Join us this June 18th for an introduction to Summer Camp with giveaways & fun!
After the short Welcome Party, Kristyna will take over for her 'Back to the Basics' mindset session.
She even made us a personalized WLD lacrosse mindset workbook for us & our teams!
Learn more about her session & RSVP below:
How to Put Pressure on the Defense and Take Advantage of your Dodges and Shots!
On July 16th, Deemer Class will join us to teach Shooting, Dodging and Key Motion Principles.
We will be able to implement key motion principles with your team after this session.
More details & RSVP will be available shortly.
August Session 1: How to Develop & Teach the Optimal Offensive Set
This is where we build off of Deemer's session.
During our training session on August 13th with Kerstin, we will learn how to develop a multi-dimensional offensive set based on the strengths of our athletes; we will also learn how Duke presents, teaches, integrates & coaches their sets in the classroom and on the field.
More details & RSVP will be available shortly.
August Session 2: Wrap Party & Playbook Session
✨This is where we bring it all together ✨
After learning our 'Offense from A -to- Z’ skills, strategy & concepts this summer, we will bring it all together in this session.
We will work together in small breakout rooms and to build offensive plays.
After this session, you will each walk away with a full offensive play book!
Don't forget about the giveaways and fun awards at the Wrap Party.
More details & RSVP will be available shortly.
how to register, what to do next
"Strive for Live” this summer.
If you cannot make a session, that is okay! We're all adults here! :)
I will post all replays & supplemental training material within 24 hours for you to rewatch over & over!
Did you really think I was going to tell you that? 😜😜😜
Our first and last session will be different. I will be giving away gifts (you must be in attendance to win) & it will be more interactive with Kristyna - Cameras on!
The Playbook Session and Wrap Party in August will also be interactive & we will go into breakout rooms - Cameras on!
Deemer & Kerstin's sessions will be our typical training sessions!
You must be a WLD Member to join our Summer Camp sessions.
There are never any additional fees! Just show up on Zoom & learn.
the summer logo
This year I was inspired by my father, Clay Sanford. Not only does he love surfing but he loves women's lacrosse. He is such a big supporter of our game and I wanted to pay a little tribute to him for years of missing work, driving hours to my games, flying to Germany to see me coach & for just being fully interested and invested in our sport.
He's a Van's wearing Grandpa, Beach Bum, World Traveler, Bike Loving Women's Lax Fan with a heart of gold! To know him is to love him! So cheers to him & our awesome Summer 2022 of learning!