Run the Middies

Run the Middies

This hidden conditioning drill stimulates midfield transition into a man-up/man-down game.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Hidden Fitness

  • Transition

  • Man-Up/Man-Down Situation


This drill starts when the ball is rolled out and 2 midfielders compete for the ground ball at the center field.  Whoever wins the ball will sprint down to her attacking end to work with other members of her team to score. Depending on her speed, this will create a fast break situation.

  • If the shot goes in, these middies are done and a new ball will start in the center.

  • If the shot is saved, the goalie clears the ball to a new middie (on her team) cutting down from the center circle.  The attacking middie must then recover and play defense. The middie that was originally defense is done.

  • If the shot is wide or hits the post there are two options:

    • If the attacking team gets the ball, they continue to work the ball around and try to score.

    • If the defense gets the ball, it is the same situation as a goalie save.


Balls in the back of the cage, Cones

Highlighted Skills:

This is a great conditioning drill as well as stimulating man up and man down situations.  The main objective of this drill is to push the fast break on the attacking end and to work on re-defending and recovery defense.

Key Coaching Points:

Communication with defense, defending man down situations, pushing the fast break on offense and slowing it down on defense, having urgency, hustle, re-defending and recover on defense, goalie clears and all game like situations.

Diagram of Drill:
