Sideline Doubles

Sideline Doubles

A straight to the point double drill.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Forcing

  • Approaching the Attacker Properly

  • Communication


Set up two cones about 4-5 meters away from the side line. The cones should also be about 4-5 meters apart. A defender stands on each cone. An attacker starts with the ball at the side line at the top of the drill set up. As soon as she starts moving, defense closes in for a double. The attacker doesnโ€™t have to go in a straight line, she can try to get free from the double. The defense can force the attacker into the double and use the side line to trap her. The drill ends when attack runs past the second cone or defense has an effective double.


Balls, Cones

Highlighted Skills:

Doubles, Communication, Trapping the ball

Key Coaching Points:

The defender starting on the top cone must put her stick up high and really funnel the attacker into her help defender. The help defender must communicate to her teammate. Make sure the defensive players are using the sideline to trap the attacker.

Diagram of Drill:
