February 2023 - Monthly Recap
Lacrosse Season is approaching
It’s the best time of year: Lacrosse Season.
Our community bulks up where conversations grow & friendships blossom. Our trainings are packed and our drills are put to great use!
Scroll on to see what we’ve done this month.
Inside our community circle up
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The Drills
This month we released five lacrosse drills.
Draw to 3v3 Build Up
This is such a fun lacrosse drill inside of the center circle. It focuses on control, movement and of course, the draw
The Best Clear Drill Ever
A half-field competitive race to clear the ball by Virginia Tech's Kristen Skiera
Crash Warm Up
The perfect warm-up drill for defense to get them communicating on and off ball.
Precision Clear Drill
A goalie clear drill to encourage movement and precision.
Draw Teams
A competitive lacrosse drill for practicing full-field team draw strategy.
Clare Hanson’s lacrosse training
Clare's session was so well received. In her attack focused session, she taught us how to teach picks, read picks, make 2 and 3-woman actions to create more scoring opportunities. Many of us (including me!) have already begun incorporating her lessons into our practice plan.
Clare's lesson WILL make your attackers learn better IQ and allow them to make creative decision based off of what the defense is giving them.
Heres a sped up version of what Clare taught. She dove deep into all of theories:
Upcoming-march 2023
Our Live Training on March 12th….
Coaching Zone: How to Build and Practice Zone
Learn with 3x National Champion and 4x IWLCA Coach of the year, Kate Livesay.
Kate will teach us backer, rover, combination zones as well as how to transition into the zone off of the draw.
Click here to read more about this training and to register.
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