2 Chances

2 chances

Keep the energy up and focus on the details with this small group, fast paced drill. 

This Drill Highlights:

  • Quick Ball Movement

  • Sliding and Doubling

  • Team Communication


To start, set up a 10x10 yard box in front of the goal.  Divide the team into two groups. Have a feeder standing just outside the 12m, ready to pass balls in.  In this drill, there will be three defenders and two attackers. 

This is a simple offense versus defense game (2v3).  If the offense scores a goal, they get another ball to play.  If the offense misses the cage, misses a pass, turns the ball over, the goalie saves it, or defense gets a knockdown, offense gets another chance.  After two mistakes (or 2 chances), a new group of attackers replace them and the game continues. 


Cones, Balls

Highlighted Skills:

Offensively: Quick ball movement, fast decision making, creating opportunities and space, read the defenders

Defensively: Communication, sliding, doubling, take something away, force attackers

Key Coaching Points:

Let the teams figure it out and work together.  This is not a one-man game. This is a team game and requires teamwork and communication.  Keep this drill moving fast.

Diagram of Drill:
