Protect the Box

Protect the Box

Work on the details with this quick, fun, and competitive drill.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Forcing

  • Communication

  • Defensive Footwork


Start by splitting the team into two even teams.  Set up one defender standing above the 12M directly in front of the goal. With cones, make a box to the left of her, a box to the right of her, and one box directly behind her -3 boxes total- about 4 meters away from the defender.  Make the boxes about 5ft x 5ft.

An attacker with a ball approaches the defender.  The defender and attacker get points depending on what the outcome of the game is.

  • 1 point is awarded to the defender for forcing her attacker into her weak-hand-box.

  • 1 point is awarded to the attacker when she gets into the box directly behind the defender (closest to the goal).

  • There are no points awarded for the box that is on the attackers STRONG handed side. 

Keep in mind, the boxes will change if your attack player is a lefty or a righty!


12 Cones, Balls

Highlighted Skills:

  • Defense: Forcing, Footwork

  • Offense: Switching hands, Protecting the ball, Keeping her body between defender and ball, Footwork

Key Coaching Points:

Encourage offenders to use both hands and encourage defenders to force their attackers exactly where they want them.  Don’t have the attackers shoot, focus on the smaller aspects of this drill!

Diagram of Drill:
