Goal Transition Game

Goal Transition Game

Don't let transition get confusing.  Use this drill to break it down and make it fun!

This Drill Highlights:

  • Mid-Field Team Work

  • Defense and Offense in the Midfield


First, set the field up.  This game will be played in-between the restraining lines on the field.  On both restraining lines, and on both ends of the restraining lines, make a β€˜goal’ with cones.  There will be four goals. The goals should be about 5 feet wide. 

Next, split the team into two.  Determine which team is attack and which team is defense. Defense can be in a man-to-man or a zone.  A team will receive a point when the players pass the ball through the goal to a teammate, creating a solid transitional pass sequence.  Keep in mind, both teams have 2 goals that they can score through. This keeps both teams on their toes and working together to STOP the transition.  After a point is scored, the ball is simply given to the opposite team and the game begins again.


8 Cones

Highlighted Skills:

Passing, Catching, Spacing and Depth, Communication and Patience.

Key Coaching Points:

Focus on transition concepts:

  • Spacing – don’t crowd the ball!

  •  Width and Depth - Make sure the players are not crunching up in the middle of the field!

  • Leaving the furthest girl open on the field if you double ball – bumping players over.

Diagram of Drill:
