Triangle Shooting

Triangle Shooting

A great shooting warm up for attackers!

This Drill Highlights:

  • Shooting

  • Warm Up

  • Footwork for Attackers


Have one feeder on each side of the cage and GLE (goal line extended) with a pile of balls.  Shooter is at X, cuts to the first cone, receives the ball, makes a quick cut and change of hands as she travels across the center.  The shooter can throw a quick fake or take a quick shot. Once the shot is taken, the shooter returns to the top cone and cuts to the other cone, and receives another feed.  This drill runs continues for 30 seconds to 1 minute or however many balls you have.


Cones, Balls

Highlighted Skills:

Quick Catches, Quick Fakes, Quick Shooting, Change of Direction, Shot Placement, Both Hands

Key Coaching Points:

Remind them to change their speed and direction, protect their stick and work on different shots.

Diagram of Drill:
