Continuous Shooting

Continuous Shooting

A great shooting warm up for attackers!

This Drill Highlights:

  • Shooting

  • Warm Up

  • Footwork for Attackers


Start with 4 lines around the 8m: 2 behind and 2 up top.  Each line has balls. X1 starts with a pass to X3. X3 rolls the crease and shoots.  She goes to the back of the X1 line (players always go to the line they received the pass from).  The next player in X3 passes up top to the next X1 player for a hard shot. X1 goes to the back of the line where she received a pass.  X2 now hits X4 who is rolling behind the crease. X4 continues into a crease roll then goes to the back of the line where she got the pass from.  The next person in X4 passes high to X2. X2 takes a hard outside shot and goes to the back of the X4 line.

This process continues until you need to refill balls.


Cones, Balls

Highlighted Skills:

Quick Catches, Quick Fakes, Quick Shooting, Change of Direction, Shot Placement, Both Hands

Key Coaching Points:

Remind them to change their speed and direction, protect their stick and work on different shots. 

Diagram of Drill:
