Draw Fastbreak Drill

Draw Fast Break

A game-like drill that is DRAW focused.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Draw Controls Technique

  • Game-Like Situations

  • Attack and Shooting


Divide the team into two even teams with draw specialists in each group.  A draw specialist from each team takes the draw from a designated point below the RL.  There are 2 lines are near the top of the 12M. The draw takers are instructed to draw to themselves on the whistle.  A second coach releases a player from each team at their discretion creating a man up/man down situation for the attacking team or an even game.



Highlighted Skills:

Draw Specialists drawing to themselves, Decision Making, Man Up/Man Down and Even game-like situations.

Key Coaching Points:

Encourage ball handler to keep her head up and create opportunities for herself.  Incoming defenders should slow the ball down and force the ball to the outside of the CSA.  This drill is meant to be fast paced and continuous.

Diagram of Drill:
