2v2 with Outlet

2v2 with outlet

Defensive Double Teams & Offensive Composure

This Drill Highlights:

  • Quick Offensive Decisions

  • Proper Sliding Techniques

  • Defensive Recovery

  • Communication


The drill starts with a 1v1 up top (A1 and X1).  X2 in the middle is the slide defender and works on communication and sliding if help is needed.  The Attacker has to pass to the coach and cannot pass to the middle attacker. This allows defense to work on the double.  Attack must handle the pressure of the double team and keep their hands free. Once the coach receives the pass, she/he can pass to either open attackers as the defenders work to recover.


Balls, Goalie

Highlighted Skills:

Communication, Decision Making, Sliding, Doubling, Recovering on Defense, Quick Hands on Attack

Key Coaching Points:

Communication on defense should be loud and clear.  Defense should commit to the double team and stay in it.  Attack should stay composed and execute under pressure. This drill mainly focuses on double teams on defense and composure on offense.

Diagram of Drill:
