Protect the Cone

Protect the Cone

This fun drill requires communication, footwork, and body positioning.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Footwork

  • Body Positioning

  • Forcing


Set up four cones spaced out inside the 8M.  Don’t worry if you don’t have an 8M. Simply set up four cones about 4M apart from each other.  Each cone should be a different color. Next, place a tennis ball on top of each cone.

Without sticks, set up a 1v1 at the top of the cones.  The coach calls out a color of one of the cones. The defender and attacker now know which cone to either protect or attack.  The attacker wants to pick up that tennis ball and the defender wants to prevent that. Using basic lacrosse 1v1 skills, both players fight to win.

Defense wins if the attacker is unable to get the ball after a specified time (coach determines time).  Attack wins if she picks up the ball.

Amp this drill up by putting the goalie in the cage and having her communicate and direct defense.


Tennis Balls, Cones (4 different colors)

Highlighted Skills:

1v1 Footwork, Forcing

Key Coaching Points:

This is a very fun and competitive drill.  Make sure your defenders are in proper defensive stance and the attackers are re-attacking.  

Diagram of Drill:
