Four Spot Clear Drill

Four Spot Clear Drill

Does your team need help clearing the ball?  Start with this basic drill.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Clearing Options

  • Re-Defending

  • Running Through Catches

  • Spacing


This drill can be done as a skeleton or with attackers that are re-defending the drill. To set up, you’ll need the goalie in her cage with balls and four defenders on GLE. Have the players run their paths (see diagram) to get a sense of field awareness and spacing. Here are the progression steps for this drill:

  1. Four defenders run their lines and get clears from the goalie. They make at least two passes up field.  Try to avoid passing middle every time.

  2. Add in re-defenders (attack players) to mark up and challenge the clear options.

  3. Add in 3 more players and start in a muddle. The midfielders need to get up the field and the low D knows their general patterns. Two whistles will alert them to ‘reverse’ the ball.

Highlighted Skills:

Clearing, re-defending, running through catches, spacing

Key Coaching Points:

Make sure the defenders are running through their passes from the goalie (even when there are no re-defenders in the drill). This will create good habits and take away the interception.

Diagram of Drill:
