4v3 Crash

1v1’s for winners by Emily Boissonneault.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Learning to crash without fouling 

  • Recovering out of a crash

  • Reading your attackers


3 Attackers and 3 defenders organize in a 5x5 triangle around the cage. The 4th attacker has the ball at the top of the 12m. The defender on the inside attacker lines themselves on the right or left side of their attacker, the open side will be where the defensive crash will come from. 

On the high attacker, the ball will be thrown to the inside attacker – simultaneously the crease defender will crash, giving space and NOT initiating contact or checking the ball. The attacker can then shoot OR pass back to the feeding attacker. Once the ball is passed out the attack will shift into a box. Defenders will shift in the quickest way possible (one to ball, inside drops back and opposite, and crease goes to ball side crease – see diagram). From there they play the 4v3.


Once the D feels confident on the crash and slide package, let the inside attacker shoot, feed low or high. This engages the low crease defender; it is extremely important they read the ball to anticipate where it is going to protect the quick feed low.  



Highlighted Skills:

Crashing, recovery out of the crash, and anticipating ball movement. 

Key Coaching Points:  

  • Give a small gap on the ball as crashing. The attacker should turn and initiate contact. This will teach control and limit easy fouls for a ref to call. 

  • Crease defender not crashing should be looking for signs to anticipate where the ball is going (what way are they turning, are their hands up to feed etc) 

  • Limit the offense to get what you want from the defense

  • Must be full speed – better for defenders to go hard than hesitate. 

Diagram of Drill:

4v3 crash 1 Drill Diagram - Emily Boissonneault
4v3 crash diagram 2