Drive the Seam

Drive the Seam

A specific drill that helps attackers and defenders learn small skills

This Drill Highlights:

  • Attack

    • Driving the Seam

    • Decision Making

    • Making good passes out of a Double

  • Defense

    • Double Teams

    • Commitment and Communication

    • Recovering in the 8m


Work on the mechanics and options out of a simple Drive, Draw and Dish.  Start with 3 Attackers lined up above the 12m in a 3v3 formation. Add in 3 Defenders line up inside the 12m ready to defend them.  The ball starts in the middle attack line where the attacker chooses to drive to the left or right seam. Whichever seam the middle attacker chooses, a 2v2 scenario is live. Play out the 2v2 until a defensive stop or shot is made โ€“ always trying to stay in the double until the pass is made, then recover.

Build This Drill Up:

  • Can do the same drill anywhere around the fan to simulate different situations

  • Can add 1v1 on each of the elbows so there is a slide and 2nd cutter

  • Can make both sides live, once the initial seam is driven


Balls, Goal

Highlighted Skills:

Attack: Driving the seam to draw the double and move the defenders, Recognizing if you are doubled and how to get out of it and make a good pass with head up.  Defense: Footwork and timing of doubles, communication through doubles, doubling 100%, no fouls, and recovering hard if a successful pass is made.

Key Coaching Points:

Donโ€™t let attack pass through a double team, make them get out with their head up making a good pass.  Coach attack not to panic if they get doubled. Donโ€™t allow them to make emergency bad passes. Stress the importance of not hesitating on defense and communicating into and through doubles.  Remember: if defense is not 100% committed to a double and not 100% defending their girl, they are doing nothing! Teach them to make a decision and stick to it.

Description of Drill:
