Man Down Triangles

Man Down Triangles

Teach your team to capitalize on the small games and you'll win the big game every time.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Defense:

    • Communication

    • Sliding

    • Forcing

  • Offense

    • Quick Ball Movement

    • Decision Making

    • Faking


Three attackers set up in the shape of a triangle about ten yards apart, each standing on a cone.  Two defenders step inside the triangle. One defender is on ball, the other is off ball. Attackers move the ball around the triangle using quick passes and fakes to force the defense to constantly slide and communicate.  The attacker should stay within a step of their cone. This forces the attackers to focus on their ball handling in a small space.

You can start small and then build this up to a 6v7.


Cones, Balls, 5 players

Highlighted Skills:

Stick work, quick ball movement and fakes for offense.  Communication, slides, forcing, footwork, cutting off angles, keeping stick up in the passing lane and hard on-ball pressure for defenders.

Key Coaching Points:

Offense: Quick ball movement, using less cradles and moving the ball quicker, faking the defender to keep them on their toes, keeping possession in a very small space, quick reactions and decision making, keeping stick on the outside of the defender

Defense: Crisp and precise communication, purposeful forcing and great slides.  The defenders should be forcing the attackers to pass to where their help is. Don’t have them smother the ball with no purpose.  The defenders sticks should be in the passing lane when they are sliding, the defender sliding to the ball should focus on having the right angle to hide the open attacker and force the pass back to where her help defender is.

Diagram of Drill:
