Fun Fast Break Drill

Fun Fast Break Drill

Learn how to push the fast break on attack and slow the ball down on defense.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Creating opportunities

  • Footwork

  • Forcing


Set the drill up by matching one feeder with an attacker and defender. The feeder stands on the midline and attacking and defending players stands on the restraining line. The defender needs to work hard marking her, as the attacker works to get open. Staying in her spot, the feeder passes the ball to the attacker. If attacker gets the ball, she and her defender take a 1v1 to goal. If the defender gets the ball, she passes it back to the feeder. Build this drill up by making it a 3v3. Feeder 1 has to pass the ball to A2 or A3, not A1.


Balls, Cones

Highlighted Skills:

Slowing the Fast Break (defense), Attacking the Fast Break (attack), Defending Ball Side, Feeds, Shooting, Goalie

Key Coaching Points:

Make sure the defenders are slowing the attacker and not just running with her to goal. Defenders should keep the attackers outside of the Critical Scoring Area.

Diagram of Drill:
