This and That

A transition drill that works on the clear, ride, and fast break.

Description of Drill:  A fast paced drill to work on ground balls under pressure and generating transition from the defensive end.

Equipment Needed: Balls, 4 lines of offense, 3 lines of defense, a goalie.

Skills Emphasized: Ground ball under pressure, passing under pressure, fast breaks, decision making.

Coaching Points of Emphasis:

  1. Starts with a GB under pressure from the coach to the 2v1 at the GLE. Defense is trying to win it for the sake of the drill - so we sometimes put our ride at 75%, but we want them to work hard.  

  2. D - if they win the GB, she is going to try to pass back to the goalie who swings it to the other D (who was at the GLE) cutting up the field.

  3. D outlets it to the Center D line waiting by the restraining line.  That defender can swing the ball to either side O, which creates a 4v3 attacking the cage.

  4. Drill ends on a goal, dead ball, or coaches’ whistle.

  5. Rotation - Clockwise - make sure middies get work on both sides. D rotates in a triangle, O rotates in a box. The drill should be fast paced and lots or reps.

Other points of Emphasis:

  1. Coach can send in an extra D to create a 4v4 from the top or bottom to change the drill

  2. If offense wins it on the 2v1 - you can choose to just have them play out the 2v2 using all of the GLE players or you can just have the O swing it to the goalie to continue the drill - modify as you wish.

  3. Goalie makes a save, gets into the ride - decide where you want her to clear it.

Diagram of Drill: