West Genny Sideways 3v2

A player up/down drill to teach quick decision making.

Description:  3v2’s from the side; fast paced, small sided, tight space, ground ball drill.

Split the team in half and form lines behind the cones. Coach picks a side and rolls a GB into that area. Allow the offense to play the ball with the first in line at each cone, stepping out against 2 from the opposite side to make the 3v2. Once play is done on that side, the 2 defenders exit out and two of the three offensive players must slide to the opposite side of the 8 m as the coach rolls in a new ball. Play continues that way, offense to defense, them defense out.  You can play for a certain amount of time to a certain amount of goals. 

Equipment:  Lots of balls and 10-15 cones

Skills Emphasized: Quick decision making, stick protection, shooting in tight, and communication.

Coaching Points of Emphasis: On offense emphasize spacing, quick ball movement, finding the open player. On defense emphasize communication, keeping the ball from the middle of the field, and trying to force low angle or alley shots.

Diagram of Drill: