3v3 in the Circle

A fast break drill in the center circle.

Description of Drill: A competitive and fast paced 3v3 game inside the draw circle that incorporates GB’s, high balls, high-pressure defense and frequent shots. The drill begins when a coach inserts the ball into space by either a GB or high ball and players compete to win possession. If a goalie makes a save, the ball gets cleared and the clearing team attacks the opposite cage. Then, the coach inserts a new ball after a goal, if the shot goes wide or if a team sends the ball out of bounds. After the coach inserts 3 balls, a new set of 3x’s and 3 O’s enter the circle and a new best of 3 battle begins.

Equipment Needed: Bucket of balls, 2 cages, center circle

Skills Emphasized: GB’s, high balls, quick/efficient passing, defense positioning, switching gears

Coaching Points of Emphasis:

 Points are awarded or taken away for the following:

  • 1 pt for goal

  • 1 pt for a save

  • 2 pts for an assisted Goal

  • 1 pt for a check/GB or Interception

  •  Minus 1 pt for unforced TO. 

If you need help keeping score - have your players do it. Tally all the points and make it a running contest throughout the week (works great if you have established competition teams). Great to do at the start of practice, after a proper warm up, because it creates energy and competition and also makes the team transition into practice mode! Due to the small space, it really forces the ball handlers to change the level of their passes and be creative with their dodges.  The off ball players also need to see the importance of clearing space and using each other. This is a great drill because EVERYONE plays both attack and defense at some point.

Diagram of Drill: