Last One Standing - GBs

A competitive GB drill with clearing.

Description: Set up 4 lines, run through a few reps to warm up, and then make it single-elimination to crown a winner for the games. Lots of fun, competitive, and relevant to transitional play!

A coach stands between the restraining line and half field (40-yard line) and rolls a GB to the GLE where there will be players from each team lined up. They compete for the GB and the player that wins has to pass the ball to the coach on the opposite side of the field. The player who lost the ball is fighting to cause a turnover and get the ball back. 

To stay in the competition you must successfully clear the ball to the assigned coach. If you are the successful player you move to the opposite sideline and compete against another opponent. 

Drill continues until there is only 1 player left standing. 

Equipment: Players in gear, balls, and field.

Skills Emphasized: Great for any competitive 50/50 play, but situationally geared for defenders and midfielders who need to protect the ball and move it fast in open-field play, with a focus on switching fields in transition.

Coaching Points of Emphasis: 50/50 matchups, boxing out, speed, and agility.  Possession under pressure, moving the ball quickly in transition, successful long ball/outlet passes,  Defensive footwork, slowing the ball down, pressure, causing a turnover.

Diagram of Drill: