Non-Traditional 3v2

A fun twist to the traditional 3v2 drill.

Description of Drill: This is a simple drill with a slightly different approach to a traditional 3v2. It’s a go-to if you’re looking for something fast paced and intense to get moving. Keep score throughout the drill as the competition always gets intense. Drill can be played up to 3 rounds.

  1. Start with 4’O’ lines and 2 β€˜D’ lines (see below) along with one offensive player and one defensive player at the top of the 8m to start.

  2. Ball starts with a goalie clear to one of the top O lines at the restraining line.

  3. O from the opposite low line also enters the drill along with a D from the top line making a 3v2. Play out the 3v2 - ending with a point for D or O. Points can be played to 7. O gets a point for a goal, D gets a point for clearing the ball past the 30.

  4. Here are some variations we play with:

  • Mandate time limit on each possession to encourage the fast break. If time runs out, D gets 1 point. Only give about 8 seconds to get a shot off.

  • Play through 2 balls - as soon as the first ball is dead, roll in another and play goes live again with the same group.

  • Ball thrown or shot out of bounds is an automatic D point.

Equipment Needed:  Balls, a goal, players. Coach or injured players to keep score.

Skills Emphasized:  Offensive - Pushing the fast break, keeping offensive shape, quick ball movement, finding the best option for the shot. Defensive - slowing down the fast break, communication, getting in a passing lane, transitioning the ball up the field on the clear.

Coaching Points of Emphasis:  Encourage quick ball movement by thinking one play ahead. Teaching the defense to communicate and play big because they are man down.

Diagram of Drill: