Double and Go

Teach your attackers to beat a double team and your defense to stick them!

Description of Drill:  The coach starts with the ball. You have two defenders set up in a double team on the attacker you are about to pass the ball to. On either side of the goal you have 2 attackers on one defender who will be released into the drill. We have them set up on both sides of the goal so we can alternate sides. Once the coach passes the ball to the attacker the drill is live. The two defenders hold the double while the attacker tries to run out of pressure. As soon as the coach blows their whistle or calls β€œRELEASE” two attackers and one defender are added to the drill. This causes the defense to have to adjust and mark up and forces the offense to look for the open player, move the ball quickly and go to the goal.

Coaching Points of Emphasis:  Double teams and Communication; Offense handling pressure and passing twice out of a double team.

Diagram of Drill: