Breaking Down a Women’s Lacrosse Offensive Drill: 2v2 Inside


👋 Why and How I Made This Drill More Effective

I recently used the 2v2 Inside Drill at practice with an offensive focus. In this post you'll read about the problems we faced and how I fixed them.

Here's an image of the drill as a refresher, but you can head to the Coaching Classroom for the full thing.

🫠 Let's Start with the Problem…

This drill progresses from a 2v2 into a 3v2 if the attacking players need assistance.

🚨 I found that the girls immediately fell back on the 3v2 option without trying hard enough to make the 2v2 option work. I set out to change that.

I broke down the offensive reads and the 2v2s by tapping into 's training: Create Freedom Using 2Man and 3man Actions. Watch here.

1️⃣ Step One: Run 1v1 with a Picker

I took this straight from Clare. No reinventing the wheel!

I started by running this exact drill in the video below. We needed a deeper understanding of how to read the defense and how to make the best decisions.

FYI, In Clare’s training she dives deep into all of the options (more than shown on this clip). We spent a lot of time on this part & it was a large chunk of time.

Here are the reads we worked on:

  • Decisions to make when defense stays and goes over pick

  • Decisions to make when defense stays and goes UNDER pick

  • Decisions to make when defense switches

  • Decisions to make when defense sags

Offensively we used:

  • Refuse the pick

  • Take the pick

  • Seal

  • Pick & Roll

  • Slip

  • Nations Look (with a feeder)

Watch the Full Training: Create Freedom with 2man and 3man Options [here]

2️⃣ Step Two: Time to add more players in.

Now that we spent a lot of time drilling their options in Step1: 1v1 with a Picker & how to read the defense, we moved into 2v2s with a feeder. Again, this was right from Clare's training - no reinventing the wheel.

Here's a screen grab of how she (and I) set it up. We have both sides going to maximize player movement and learning. We have the coach as the feeder.

We're working on the same decision making that we just drilled in Step 1: 1v1 with a Picker.

The players now have to read what their defense is doing and make the best decisions to get a clean shot on goal.

3️⃣ Step 3: Putting it all Together

Time to run the WLD Drill: 2v2 Inside.

With all of the knowledge we just learned from Clare & drilling the players, the WLD Drill: 2v2 Inside will look a lot better.

The cool part is that this drill is different than what we drilled. In the WLD Drill: 2v2 Inside, the players are receiving a pass inside & pushing to goal. They should be working fast & getting a shot off somewhat immediately.

From the fresh knowledge and reps we got from Step 1 and Step 2, it should flow nicely after a few reps.

⭐ Final Thoughts

You may be thinking….”ALL OF THIS FOR ONE DRILL?” The answer is YES!

Ask yourselves if you're just running drills to run them or if you're really breaking them down and understanding WHY you're running it to get the maximum potential from your players.


continued discussion…


We’re currently discussing this exact drill in our Community, Circle Up. You can join the discussion with the WLD Membership for all of the extra learning opportunities like Drills, Practice Plans, Live trainings (like these!), Strategy and Skill lessons, Mindset training, Networking Groups, Book Club, and more!

Head to the Circle Up post [here].



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