1v1 Drop

1v1 Drop

The perfect sliding drill. Simple and effective.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Forcing

  • Approaching the Attacker Properly

  • Communication

  • Doubles

  • Sliding

  • Footwork


This drill is to work on forcing your attacker to help. Set up 3 defenders on the top of the 8m’ and three attackers on the top of the 15m’. One attacker will start with a drive 1v1 and the defense will work on forcing her to help. The help defenders will be waiting. Once the on ball defender makes the attacker go toward her help, the other defender is engaged along with her attacker and it becomes a 2v2. The help defender that wasn’t used steps out of the play. The drill is over when the attacker scores or the defense clears the ball. If the goalie saves it, defense must complete a clear to the RL. Attack can re-defend and re-attack if they win the ball back.



Highlighted Skills:

Defensive Footwork, Communication, Forcing, Sliding, Body Positioning, Approaching the Attacker Properly.

Diagram of Drill:
