30 Second Crease Dodge

30 Second Crease Dodge

This drill does it all. Work on technique with attack, defense and goalies.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Attack Skills: Shooting, Footwork, Placement

  • Defense: Footwork, Forcing, Stick Placement

  • Goalie: Saving Shots on the Crease, Communicating with Defense, Stepping Up


Set up as many goals as you have. With a goalie in the cage and 1 attacker and 1 defender out, pass the first ball to the attacker. She has 30 seconds to roll the crease as many times as she can. If she loses the ball or scores a goal, the feeder must pass her another ball. After 30 seconds, another group will begin.


Goals, Creases, Balls

Highlighted Skills:

Crease Rolls for Attack, Defense and Goal Keepers, Fitness, Shooting, 1v1s

Key Coaching Points:

The feeder must be paying attention and constantly feeding balls to the attacker to keep her momentum up. This is a great opportunity for the goalies to step up high and block shots, for attack to work on shooting opportunity, and for defense to work on footwork. Don’t let the 1v1 leave the crease. The attackers might try to run to the top of the 11M to drive but this drill is to work on crease moves only. Have them work harder.

Diagram of Drill:
