30 Second Draws

30 Second Draw Controls

Full field. Draw controls. Fast Breaks. Shooting. Defense.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Fast Breaks

  • Work on the circle

  • Work on the restraining line

  • Technique


Set up two full teams on a full field (you can use smaller teams if you don’t have enough girls). Start each 30 second round with a draw control. The point of this drill is to push the fast break on attack and to slow the fast break on defense. After a goal or after 30 seconds, the drill is over and you start again.

Equipment: Referee, Timer, Full Field, 2 Goalies, 1 Ball

Highlighted Skills: Fast Breaks, Draw Controls, Full Field Playing, Fitness

Key Coaching Points: This is a great drill to work on draw plays, fast breaks and playing to the last whistle.