Another 3v2 Drill

Another 3v2 Drill

Fun, smart, and a change of pace from your typical 3v2.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Uneven Situations

  • Defensive Communication and Forcing

  • Attackers Quick Ball Movement and Decision Making


This is a fun, new way to play a basic 3v2 game.  The low defender starts with the ball and passes it up to the high defender as seen in the diagram below.  Next, the ball gets passed amongst the three attackers in order number. The passes must be made without interference from defense.  Once the ball is in the last attackers stick (at the top of the 12m), the 3v2 is played out.

After the low defender makes her pass up to the top defender, she should slide across the crease and communicate to her other defender to force left.


Balls, Goal, Goalie, 5 Players

Highlighted Skills:

Fast ball movement on attack, Communication and Forcing on Defense, Uneven situations

Key Coaching Points:

Attackers should focus on moving the ball quickly and getting a good shot off.  Stop the play and move on to the next one about 20 second into it since a an up situation does not normally last long in a game.

The defenders should work on communicating and forcing the girl to their help.  Remind the defenders to get a stick in front of the shot as a last chance.

Diagram of Drill:
