

Break down your midfield transition and defensive ride!

This Drill Highlights:

  • Transition

  • Ride

  • Crisp Precise Passes on the Move


Divide your players into two teams.  Divide the field into Grids using the sidelines, end lines, and restraining lines as boundaries - See diagram.  You can have three grids, four or six and make them at your discretion. This is a full field drill no matter how many grids you make.

Fill each grid with members of each team.  Since this is a full field drill to goal, you want to fill each grid with the correct players in the correct positions.  

Initially have your players stay in their assigned grids.  You can switch players in the grids after goals or a set time has passed.  Build up to allow the player who passed the ball to follow the ball into the next grid to create more opportunities.  This will also create man up /man down situations (once in the new grid she stays there). Goalies should not follow their pass into another grid.  You can also start with man up/man down situations in each grid. If a player enters another grid without passing, it’s a turnover.

This is essential a full field drill restricting players to certain areas on the field.

Start with a draw or a toss in one of the grids.


Cones, Whistle, Balls, Full Field

Highlighted Skills:

Midfield ball movement, Transition cutting, Midfield picks and working together to get open, Crisp precise leading passes, and All full field skills.

Key Coaching Points:

The objective of the drill is to move the ball down the field by passing it to create a scoring opportunity.  It helps to show spacing and levels of the transition/clear and to work on cutting in the midfield. Make sure you pick a few focal points that your team can work on.

Diagram of Drill:
