Duke Drill

Duke Drill

Work on it ALL with this drill or focus on one part.  This is a flexible drill to work your team as hard as you want or to keep it as simple as you want.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Small Situations All Over the Field

    • Draw Controls, Ground Balls, Fast Breaks, Next Play

  • Uneven Numbers

  • Game-Like


  • Set this drill up with a 3v2 at the midfield just outside the center circle and a 2v2 just above the 12m.  You can always adjust the set up!

  • A feeder stands at the draw line in the center circle and throws a 50/50 ball (ground ball and/or air toss) to the 3v2 that is standing just outside of the circle.  This is to mimic a draw control.

  • If the defence gets it (the man down team) they clear it right to the 50.

  • If the attack gets it (the man up team) they push it down field for a 5v4

  • The drill is played until attack scores, the goalie makes a save, or the defense gets the ball and clears to the 50 yard line.


Balls, at least 9 players and a goalie, Whistle

Highlighted Skills:

Reaction Time, Draw Control Work, Ground Ball Work, Next Play, Finishing (attack and defense), Fast Breaks (attack and defense), Game-Like Situations, Creating Opportunities

Key Coaching Points:

  1. Attack: Creating high percentage shot from in front of the cage

  • High Players:

    • Eliminating defenders high up the field

    • Covering different levels and width of field (staying spread out to keep defense spread out)

    • Being a threat to cage

  • Lower Players:

    • Thinking ahead and decision making: Deciding to be an outlet, pinch in, be a scoring threat

    • Staying in front of the cage and making defenders make a hard decision to slide up to ball

    • Putting yourself in a position to catch and shoot

    • Fast and crisp ball movement

  1. Defense:

  • High Defenders:

    • Slowing the ball down in transition

    • Ball side press and weak side recover

  • Lower Defenders:

    • Anticipate the next pass

    • Make proper and legal body contact

    • Finish the play

Diagram of Drill:
