Double Dutch

Double Dutch

This simple drill has a LOT to offer.  Use the small field to focus on the things your team needs.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Transition

  • Small Games

  • Offensive and Defensive Plays


This drill is a settled play at each end of the field.  One end has a 7v7 while the other end is a 5v5. The field is set up with one restraining box facing another restraining box. The restraining line serves as a line that cannot be crossed.  Red defense is passing the ball up to red offense, and blue does the same thing in the opposite direction.


Two goals and cones to create the restraining line if necessary.

Highlighted Skills:

This drill helps focus on different connections with different players, game like situations, time to work on plays and defensive sets, and fast breaks.

Key Coaching Points: 

This is a great drill to do at the end of practice instead of your basic 7v7; it gets more people involved and creates more game-like situations.  

Make sure you run different offensive and defensive sets at both cages, highlight the different points of the game that need attention, focus on smaller points: double teams, transitioning, winning the small games (ground balls, doubles, etc).

Diagram of Drill:
