Numbered Shooting

Numbered Shooting

Test your teams accuracy with this drill!

This Drill Highlights:

  • Shooting Accuracy

  • Quick Shots

  • Faking

  • Shooting Under Pressure


Start with a shooting shuttle at the top of the 8M.  Give the net 6 numbers: low left, mid left, high left, low right, mid right, high right. 

The shuttle side that starts with the ball will call out a number.  The shuttle side that catches the ball has to shoot where her teammate called.  Upgrade this drill by calling out two numbers: the first for a fake and the second for a shot.  You can also add a trailing defender to pressure the shooter.


Balls, a Goalie, a Net, Shooters

Highlighted Skills:

Shooting Accuracy, Faking, Taking Quick Shots while Protecting Her Stick, Faking, Shooting Under Pressure

Key Coaching Points:

Focus on the shooting accuracy and selling fakes.  Make sure the players are faking with their bodies: head, eyes and shoulders.  They shouldn’t be faking with a large cradle! Don’t forget to focus on having them protect their sticks at all times, not only when the defense is trailing.

Diagram of Drill / Image of Lacrosse Goal:
