Everything All At Once

Marking Cutters, Quality Feeds, Goalie Positioning, 2 Man Game & MORE!

Description of Drill:   Set up the drill with 3 attackers high (A), 2 feeders (X) behind GLE and 3 defenders (D). You can add more defenders as the drill advances.

  • The first ball starts with A1 and passes down to feeder on same side. After ball is passed low, A1 and Defender are live (no other players are in the drill at this time). A1 first looks to backdoor her defender for a feed from X1, if nothing there, play out this first ball with A1 cutting while her D defends the cuts. X1 and X2 can move the ball back and forth. Once that ball is shot/saved/D makes a play on ball, that ball is dead. Second ball is immediately live.

  • The second ball starts with X2. A1 can now use middle cutter A2 to get open. Ball can be passed between feeders X1 and X2. Defenders now have to communicate with their teammates to on where ball is and getting around picks. Once ball is played out, that whole group is done.

  • The last ball starts with A3 on the wing to pass low (starts from the beginning). Another matched pair gets set up in top middle to be ready for second ball.

Equipment Needed: 8 meter and set up balls on wings and lines (have extra balls down low).

Skills Emphasized: This is a drill that focuses on cutting and covering cutters in a variety of ways. Great for initial technique of how to cover cutters. It works on defending the backdoor, body positioning as ball is swung low, and how to play the 2 player game inside the 8m.

Coaching Points of Emphasis: 

  • Defensive Positioning: Low and Athletic Stance. Listen to Goalies on where ball is and position yourself accordingly. Stick to Stick on Cutters.

  • Cutters: Change of speed on cuts. On second ball: working together and keeping the space

  • Goalies: Loud Communication on Location of Ball/ Talk to your defenders. Also working on turns.

  • Feeders: Feet moving on feeds and anticipate the cut. They should not be standing still behind the cage.

Diagram of Drill: