Inside Box Drill

Zone Defense Drill: Teaching the motion of your backer for your zone

Description of Drill: 7 defense players and 7 offensive players. Place cones on the 8 meter to designate 6 zones and 4 cones to back a backer box (cone on each second hash and cone on GLE). As the ball is passed around on the outside, the shell players are shifting out and the backer is following the lines of the backer box when needed to catch up to the ball.

Equipment Needed:  8-meter, goal, ball, cones

Skills Emphasized:  Backer motion, shell shifting in a zone, hedging, and snapping back

Coaching Points of Emphasis: The backer sometimes gets lost chasing the ball. The backer will help get them to space in the quickest route possible. As the ball moves from zone to zone, play middle first by using the lines of the box and then make it to the outside of the 8 to back the ball. Shell players need to focus on keeping the ball in one space so the backer doesn’t.

Diagram of Drill: