Past and Shift Drill

Zone Defense Drill: Teaching movement of hedging and snapping back for zone defense

Description of Drill: 7 defense players and 7 offensive players. Place cones on the 8 to designate zones and the cones 2 to 3 feet inside the 8 from each of those cones. Outside cones designate each defenderโ€™s zones and the inside cones designate their check-in zones. The offensive players pass the ball around as the defensive players shift from cone to cone. Backside players are shifting to the inside cones and on the ball and adjacent players are shifting to outside cones. On ball, the defender shifts to an attacker with the ball.

Equipment Needed:  8-meter, goal, ball, cones

Skills Emphasized:  Defensive footwork, defensive positioning, anticipation

Coaching Points of Emphasis: Focusing on how they are guardian space and being big. Emphasize defenders hedging and lingering. Players must lead with their stick once they commit to moving to the space. Teach running when going, no shuffling.

Diagram of Drill: