Pentagon Drill

Zone Defense Drill: Teaching shell pressure and confidence in zone defense

Description of Drill: 5 defensive players and 5 offensive players. 6 cones on the 8 to designate zones for the offense and the help defense see slides. Cones go on each elbow, on each side of the crease and GLE, and on each second hash. The 5 offensive players will pass around the outside and drive on the zone. They can’t leave the designated zones and can’t cut into the 8 unless they catch the ball on the 8. Defense is fully live and can slide into other zones. Encourage them to meet the attackers at the 12.

Equipment Needed:  8-meter, goal, ball, cones

Skills Emphasized:  Defensive approach, hedging, checking in, and snapping back

Coaching Points of Emphasis: The defense has to cover a lot of space so they will learn their limits and see how far they can go. No backer so the adjacent need to be active.

Diagram of Drill: