Up and Down

A fun twist to a build up progression that has players entering from the sideline

Description of Drill:  This is a build up drill, starting with a 3v2 that progresses to a 4v3, and ends with a 5v4.  The first ball is passed in from a coach to the top attack line  for 3v2.  All lines release one person from the sideline as soon as the ball is caught.  The next ball will be run in by the top attacking line immediately following the 3v2, D line can release once the attack moves with the ball for the 4v3.  Last ball is passed from the Coach to the bottom attacking line for a 5v4, D can release once the ball is in the air.

A coach has balls up top, and the top attacking line has balls ready as well. Put an attacker and defender in the middle of the 8. The rest of the attack and defense will be on the sideline ready to go in. You can adapt and move the lines up top or down low depending on coaching points of emphasis.

Equipment Needed: Balls

Skills Emphasized:  Communication, quick ball movement and decision making spacing on attack, ground balls

Coaching Points of Emphasis:  Player down/player up communication, defensive slides, fast ball movement and keeping their shape/spacing on attack.

Diagram of Drill: