Toughness Drill (by Emily Boissonneault)

A great crash drill. - By Emiy Boissonneault

This Drill Highlights:

  • Working on Crashing

  • Get body under ball for effective crash to avoid a foul

  • Work on sealing off


Set up four cones 10m apart. 4 attackers will play inbetween the cones. The point of this drill is to have the attackers run through the box with the ball. This drill is to focus on stopping the drive, slide and crash properly on the attackers.

All defenders should participate in a clean crash in this drill.


Balls, Cage, Goalie

Highlighted Skills:

Crashing effectively and cleanly!

Key Coaching Points:  

  • Make sure defenders don’t make contact with the attacker on the crash. Attackers should make the contact. This requires defense to have great footwork.

  • Make sure the defender gets under the attackers body to avoid the foul.

  • Good slides, communication, and a solid team crash.

Diagram of Drill:

Untitled design.png