2v1 Defending Cutters (by Emily Boissonneault)

Teach your team to effectively mark cutters in a zone. - By Emiy Boissonneault

This Drill Highlights:

  • Managing multiple cutters

  • Proper body positioning to eliminate lane to goal

  • “Dropping in”


Set up in one zone (see diagram). Have one defender and two attackers stacked. Place a third attacker across the 8m as a feeder.

The first attacker cuts in trying to get to the center of the 8m. The defender makes contact. As soon as contact is made, the first attacker leaves.

As soon as the first attacker leaves, the second attacker cuts. This causes the defender to readjust her body and get back under the second attacker. As soon as contact is made, the second attacker leaves.

Next, the first attacker recuts into the 8m. The defender has to get into good positioning to redefend the lane.


Balls, Cage

Highlighted Skills:

Body positioning in a zone with more than 1 attacker.

Key Coaching Points:  

  • Body positioning

  • Getting the player to understand the concept of seeing both attackers so they don’t get backdoored.

  • “Drop in, don’t step forward.” Eliminate any lanes to goal.

Diagram of Drill:

feb drills.png