Toilet Paper Game

Toilet Paper Game

Enjoy a lot of laughing during this bonding game.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Team Bonding

  • Communication

  • Laughter!


This is a very fun team bonding drill. Split the team up into small teams of 5-6 girls. Give each team a roll of toilet paper. Count 3 seconds out loud as a player holding the toilet paper roll rips off as much paper as she can and passes the roll to the next player. Continue this until all the players have gone. The girls will get competitive and rip off a lot, some of their methods will fail and will only have 1 or 2 sheets of toilet paper. It’s all part of the fun! When everyone has ripped off their paper, have them rip each sheet apart so they are left with a pile of sheets. Now, start with one player from each team and have them tell facts about themselves per sheet of toilet paper they ripped off.


Toilet paper rolls for each team

Key Coaching Points:

Make sure to keep the time going and let the girls do their thing. Coaches can join in, too!