Call It and Go

Teach players to read situations and adjust constantly throughout the game.

Description of Drill:  Two teams are lined up shoulder to shoulder on the restraining line facing the cage with a coach and bag of balls between the two teams. There is a goalie from each team waiting in the crease to see who gains possession. The Coach calls out two numbers and rolls out a ball. As the ball is rolled out, the teams send out the number of players that are called with the first number being the team on their right (white team). The team that picks up the ground ball is going to goal.  As play is happening, the coach can send in players from either or both teams in order to change the situation. (Example: coach calls 3&2.  White team sends out 3 players and the dark team sends out 2. Dark wins the ground ball and goes to goal. The coach then sends in another dark player and the situation is now at 3v3. The coach can continue to add players from either team during the rep). The rep ends after a goal, shot wide and out of bounds, save, or if defense gains possession and clears the ball out of the 12. Point for a goal. Play first to a # or for a set amount of time.  

Equipment Needed: One goal and a bag of balls.

Skills Emphasized:  Player up/player down, Communication, Awareness

Coaching Points of Emphasis:  Playing fast. Awareness and communications of the situations.

Diagram of Drill: