
Developing vision to find the man up situation on the backside.

Description of Drill:  Splitting the 8 meter in half with convex down the middle, the drill requires three attackers on each slide,and five defenders total. On the side that starts with the ball, there will be three defenders in a player to player position, and two defenders on the other side of the cones (3v2) backside). Players will play 3v3 on the strong side, working to move the ball to the opposite side of the 8 meter (backside) to find the 3v2. As the ball moves to the opposite side, one defender cancross to create an even situation (3v3). The offensive players cannot cross, and only one defender can  cross.

Equipment Needed:  8 meter, cage, ball, cones

Skills Emphasized:  Defense - communication, slides, forces, positioning off ball player down * offense - movement within a smaller space,moving ball to backside, spacing off ball player up, communication.

Coaching Points of Emphasis:  Offense focus: On the strong side (3v3), work on moving the ball quickly, working together to create space within the similar area. On the back side (3v2), work on space to ensure 1 defender cannot mark two of you. Move the ball quickly on the outside and work to get it to the backside openings before the defender can slide. Defensive focus: We like to see our defenders step up and put pressure on the ball, especially in the tight spaces. Dictate and force to each other on that strong side, keeping the backside openings hard to see. On the backside, focus on playing big and communicating, ready to shift as the ball moves on either side. Once the ball moves across the 8 meter, communication is crucial and the defense must communicate who is crossing over the 8 meter. In our defense, we want to see the opposite defender from the ball crossing over the 8 meter (avoiding ball to ball slides) and pushing the closest defender up to the ball to give the opposite defender time to slide.

Diagram of Drill: