Chaos Passing

Chaos Passing

A classic stick skill drill for all levels.

This Drill Highlights:

  • Stick Skills

  • Communication

  • Fast Ball Movement and Decision Making


Set up three lines like you’re going to start basic shuttles.

In the first round of Chaos, set the cones up very far apart: sideline to sideline. Each shuttle is 60 seconds with a specific drill. Once the 60 seconds expires, the players sprint to the next cone (clockwise) and start the next skill.

In the second round, move the cones very close together, creating a cramped environment. The length of time per skill will be shortened and the entire round should be quick.


Cones, Lots of extra balls

Highlighted Skills:

Communication, Passing, Catching, Keeping your head up, Awareness

Key Coaching Points:

Play at speed, keep your head up, work on quick moves

Diagram of Drill:
